• Delivery Times

    Once purchased, your package is in line with the order it was received. The ONLY way to expedite the process is to purchase NEXT DAY in the options.

    • Photos are the quickest to be completed, then videos, lastly is Recaps & All-Inclusive Packages.
    • Delivery can take up to a week depending on the number of orders placed.
    • We update the times of expected completion through Instagram Stories. @chaoslabmedia
  • Quantity

    When ordering a package rest assured we are going to capture your moments on the platform.

    • PHOTO PACKAGES: These packages come with at least 15 photos of your various attempts. If specific shots are a concern express them before the meet (example: you only want squat and deadlift pictures)
    • VIDEO PACAGES: Packages come with all 9 attempts regardless if a lifter BOMBS OUT.
    • These pictures and videos come with a watermark to show that these are our works of art and not to be passed off as a another brand.
  • Quality

    With the competitions we attend and venues we shoot we deliver exception quality!

    • Clean Images

    • Expert Color Grading

    • Dynamic Contrast

    Creating and maintaining strong brand equity is critical to a company's success. When a brand is associated with high quality, trust, reliability, everyone succeeds.